16. Birthday

So, here it is.
As promised a post about my sweet sixteen, even if it's a bit late. I'm really sorry, but I'm not in blogging mood at the moment and also I caught a cold again. So you can tell that I look & feel like a zombie.
Buuut let's talk about the main topic.

On the 26th, one day before my birthday, my beloved Julice turned 17. And because I only had 4 lessons that day, I visited her at her school and met some of her more or less nice classmates. ^-^
Later in the evening she visited me at my place and we ... well, guess we were just hangin out like sourcraut while watching some senseless and stupid videos. But it was so much fun. And she liked my present, so I've been all happy :D

We watched it again and again. XDD

Around midnight my brother and my mom came in and gave me some other presents, but we were already so tired that we went to bed soon.
But the next day, my bday of course, we went to the cinema together and watched Scary Movie 5 what was SO FUNNY XD I nearly died laughing at some points.
Later in the evening I went to chinese restaurant with my family. It was so awesome asdfhgfjdhfejsh ;AAAA;

Well, actually I also wanted to have a small party with my friends, but suddenly half of the people I invited told me that they couldn't come. So I cancelled everything and went to the city.
Of course I was a bit pissed, but I learned my lesson: Never ever have a birthday party again XD
I got some other cute presents anyways ... so it was okay for me.

Noooow for the pics :3

Selfie on my bday ^_^

Epic food was epic.

Fried fish. Waaaay too much, but I loved it !

And last saturday. Feeling kawaii as fuck.

The presents I got *^*
Julice made this cute Totoro for me and Ryo got me a Mameshiba from Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's collection.
Ryo also got me some cute earrings, a necklace and such a cute card ;A;
Also I got some rubber duckies from Anni and money and other cute cards from my family.
Caro also got me cute stuff, but I forgot to take a photo.
Thanks to you all.
I really love you <33

Well, this time I got a small question for you. My friend Jojo just told me that I could got to the J-Day in Düsseldorf with her last week. Sooo...who of my beloved followers wants to meet me there? I'd love to meet up with some of you ;3

So, again I have to say "Mata ne" to all of you. Please don't forget to vote! My survey has been deleted so you have to vote again, I'm sorry, but I need your opinion, really.

See ya !

In love with Mejibray's new album "Messiah.bat" at the moment. ♥

6 Kommentare:

  1. YEAH!
    (I think that's all I need to say. xD)

  2. Well, of course I forgot to make a post about my 17. Birthday. Maybe I'll do when I turn 18....
    Okay, you really have to kick my ass otherwise I won't post..you know me XD

  3. Tolle Sachen :3
    Hach ich will auch zum Jday..aber irgendwie.. xD

    1. Danke :)
      Ich fahre jetzt, ganz spontan beschlossen, mit einer Freundin hin. Eigentlich finde ich es dort ohnehin nicht sooo prickelnd, aber ich tu's, um dort mal wieder einige Leute zu treffen. Einfach aus Prinzip.

  4. Alles Gute nachträglich~ ^^
    Deine Geschenke sind echt süß und yummy Essen gab es ja auch. *__* Dein Hemd mag ich übrigens sehr, das hab ich nämlich auch. XD''
