Eyeball-licking? WTF Japan.

Hey guys.

Today I want to talk about a kinda special topic. Normally I don't write entries like this, but there's something I need to say.
As some of you might know, I'm a big fan of the japanese Band BORN. Oh yes, I truly love them.
In the last days, a strange topic came up in the news all over the world: Eyeball-licking, also known as oculolinctus or worming.
For those of you who haven't already heard about it: In Japan it recently became popular for teenagers to lick each others eyeballs.
And what has this to do with Born? Exactly ! In their PV for "Spiral Lie" Ryoga got his eyeball licked by that actress. I still don't understand how you can tie a guy that handsome to a chair and then lick his EYEBALL.
If you don't know the video, go and watch it or otherwise I won't like you anymore.

However, I don't get how they can blame a video that's already over a year old for a trend that disgusting that only became popular recently. Also, how can people be so stupid trying it out? Do they honestly think that such a practice doesn't cause medical problems? Have fun wearing your eyepatches, kids.  People also say it came up long before the video was released...actually I don't really know what to think about it. But in both cases it wouldn't be fair to blame everything on the PV.

But the most amusing thing is Ryogas reaction on his blog.

"The Spiral Lie PV seems to have become somewhat of a hot topic worldwide.

It’s even been picked up by famous news programs and websites.

Why now?

They say that the act of licking each others’ eyeballs has become popular amongst Japanese youth.

And that the root is the Spiral Lie PV.

I laughed a little bit.

First of all, that’s popular?

I thought it was just something I kind of came up with [for the PV].

I guess that at in-stores, we won’t have handshake events, but maybe we should do eyeball-licking events instead.

It’s been an afternoon of wild delusions.


Seriously, I love this man. Even in a situation like this he stays calm, even seems amused about it.

Now my question for you: What's your opinion on eyeball-licking? Do you think they should blame Born for the trend? Did 50 Shades of Grey became to mainstream?

Please write me a comment or smth. I'd really love talk discuss it with you. :)
But now I'm going to curl up somewhere because I'm sick, now that the weather finally became hot ü_ü
See you guys & thanks for reading ^_^

4 Kommentare:

  1. Das ist ein Trend? Echt jetzt? Also ich würde das auf keinen Fall auf die Band und ihre PV zurückführen, schließlich kam das auch schon in ganz anderen Videos vor. Das erste Beispiel das mir nun einfallen würde wäre der der Film von Hide aus den 90ern. Ich weiß nicht ob du den kennst, aber da kommt das auch schon vor, wie ich das noch in Erinnerung habe. Es ist also nichts neues und ich glaube kaum, dass die Band irgendwelche 'Schuld' an diesem fragwürdigen Trend trägt..... wobei ich das bisher auch gar nicht mitbekommen hatte.

    1. Jam das wird momentan richtig gehyped, überall in den News.
      Aber nein, den Film kenne ich nicht. Auch mal interessant. Ehrlich gesagt verstehe ich nach dem großen Wind um 50SOG sowieso nicht, warum ausgerechnet sowas jetzt in aller Munde ist. Und ich glaube auch nicht, dass eine Underground-Band wie Born überhaupt bekannt genug ist, um sowas zu verbreiten :D

  2. Ach das kommt mir alles wieder nur wie der ganze typische, sinnlos Medienscheiß vor~
    "Uh, wir ham grade nichts weiter zu berichten, Japan ist grade im Trend, Japaner wirken auf uns irgendwie voll komisch, suchen mir mal was womit wir wieder schocken können, ah.. ich sehe es gibt zur Zeit ne Menge japanischer Schulmädchen die mit Eye-Patches rumlaufen, mal sehn was man da für ne nette Story draus machen könnte, hmm joa eye licking klingt recht eckelhaft, nehmer, Googlen wer mal, ah cool~ PV einer unbekannten Band, nehmer die als Sündenbock.. müssen wir keine Angst haben das wir später Stress bekommen.. die könn sich eh nicht wehren"
    Das alles wird doch in den ganzen Westländern wieder mehr gehypet als in Japan selbst :'D

    1. Du sagts es Taka! Q_____Q Oh man trotzdem hab ich grade extrem grusliges kopfkino. ;A;
